Which side of the fence are you?

 Which side of the fence are you? 

Invariably we run into situations, where we need to ask ourselves or clarify to others, on which side of the fence we are!

Asking the question to self and hence clarifying to self & others with proper justification is a sophisticated art.

Too complex!  Perhaps!

As long as you are convinced on which side of fence you choose to be and there is conviction in you, you will articulate on your preference. You will find enough courage and hence drive your Point of View (POV), to your audience.

Yes. POV – that is to say which side of fence you are.

Have you made your self aware of the situation or opportunity around you by gathering enough information – the basic building block that helps you to build your POV!

You have your POV. You have taken a position.

Now enrol enthusiast and volunteers to your side. You have a winning proposition.

Happy reading…

Significance.. Reputation…Matters.

Significance.. Reputation…Matters.

Certain dates do have something associated with them..Talking of 1st April, well it has its own significance! May be for some or may not for all. On a lighter note, all of us take note of the date. Indeed.

Thanks to Internet and search engines today we are in a position to know more about April 1st and why the significance.

Just Google, and you have all those information required, Simple.

Incidentally, just before typing about the significance of April 1st, I read a blog which mentions about the significance of us in online world, that is maintaining our status or online reputation.

Interesting and good read, I would like to recommend.


Happy Reading.. Continue reading

For the future…

What are you confronting now?

“Is this an outcome of my past deeds?  “

Very religious!

Not sure someone can give you an  explanation for the above.

But you can act now, so you don’t have to answer such questions in the future.

Think what ‘your action’ today, will ruminate you in the future!

Life is all about Priorities..

 Attitude determines the Altitude. You have innumerable blogs and motivational speech on the web that you can delve upon.  We have come across this quote ourselves in our life many a times.

When was the last you attempted to assess your attitude to your life? What are you doing about this?

Life is all about priorities. Go get your priorities sorted out. Get your attitude tuned to meet your priorities.

Remember; in your pursuit to meet your objectives in life don’t hurt anyone evenly remotely.  In other words, your attitude should not hurt others. Evaluate now.

Move On…